Monday, 20 January 2014

Is Satan Getting Worship through Pornography?

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 King James Version (KJV) shows us clearly that Satan is not depicted as an enraged,red evil-doing fallen angel with murderous intentions and a red pitch fork. (type in Satan or Demon into google images)

Scripture clearly reveals that he decives via pleasures,the flesh and other half-truths. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Pleasure according to Ecclesiastes says that "pleasure is vain" and elsewhere in Paul`s letters; "she that lives in pleasure is dead while she lives".

In the original creation, God made man and woman. to be together according to his plan as Jesus also indicates in the 4 gospels.

Asmodeus (the demon of lust) is referred to by some as being literal, and behind this chain of sexual perversion - attractive and not so attractive women see sex as monetary gain insidious as this is they call themselves dancers, but in reality it is to placate the insinuation that men are stupid and cannot control their sexual desires for the female,her companionship and sexual self-gratification(especially through the internet) - (that is to look through a glass window and worship her but not touch her physically to be intimate; revealing her wares all over tarnation.

Men as well a women engage in pornographic footage and webcams doing all sorts of things that should be restricted to the bedroom between two consenting adults on the way to the wedding.

In a manner of speaking it is putting women on a pedestal of worship, sexual worship, one that leads to masturbation and pure lust. Continued engagement paying a hooker, is the same as lusting after a female in your heart and committing adultery with her.

So what does all this have to do with Satan getting worship through Porn?

Porn, is the idol-ism of the male or female anatomy, to desire sex (usu. repeatedly as sex is a never ending story). Initially this lust can spiral out of control into the world of fantasy, and basic thoughts and desires for love and attention become perverted into constant thoughts of the nude aspects of the female engaged in sexual acts (voyeurism).

The "desire" of the woman or man`s love and attention becomes so intense that it is literally worshiped in the mind and cannot be rid of. easily

This is where demons come into play and addiction results.

women and men were originally made by God, (NOT the female anatomy is God). This essentially is a form of blasphemy, because it is the worship of the human anatomy,which God made. Twisted and perverted by repeated encounters into all kinds of rancid evil schematics, many of which have bubbled out into the money driven industry of porn and have chained many to its voyeuristic idiocies as well as those deceived into being paid and performing them with others in fornication.

But man-made laws say its OK,(which it is not and is immoral) and promote it along with homosexuality even teaching it in schools, favoritism in advertizements by corporations full of bullshit belief systems.

Take away the flesh and all you have is blood and bones.

Such people promoting Porn are not Christians and until they are born again they are in fact Satanists, some even openly admit that they are.

Masturbation to and while watching these sexual acts on the internet or other locations is in fact a self-centered act (a sin); and because it is connected to the flesh (self) it is therefore worship of Satan through the worship of the anatomy of another`s sexual acts, fantasizing results in orgasm but not fulfillment, and hence the money-making aspect devoid of love.

Women all around the world engage in these activities thinking its OK, to show their bodies to tongue-hanging wankers willing to pay a pretty penny to end their need for companionship and love from another human being.

But it never happens and the cycle continues...

worship of self, according to satanism and the book of the law (do what thou wilt) is in fact worship of Satan through self, add nudity and porn to the mix and you get a form of worship which admonishes Satan.

Usually, such desires can be subdued..but when they spiral out of control they become unbreakable, beware that demons will try and keep you bound to such false worship and those people in the porn industry are also deceived by demons of lust.

When you realize that these are in fact demons behind this spell, and that you are worshiping him through self and the flesh, you`ll understand that demons are behind it as is plainly evident on many websites.

If you cannot abstain from it - realize it is a Demon!

You can be free through Jesus Christ!

Star Wars "The Force" Not God

The Force was a metaphysical, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders. Known as the Way in ancient times, the Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the light side, the dark side, the Unifying Force, and the Living Force. The first two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force, as manifested by the conduct and emotions of living creatures who were themselves part of the fabric of the Force.

New Age theology (which is not a theolgy as congregations are not the church or body of Christ) is the belief that God is animistic or pantheistic and that humans are divine members of the whole "that God is." Animism is the theory  of the existence of a principle or Force inseparable from matter and to which all life and action are attributable.  Pantheism is the doctrine that the Force totals the whole
of the universe and is God. 

According to New Ageism,  Jesus came to reveal this animistic or pantheistic nature  of God and to teach humanity how to live in harmony with "the God of Forces," or as George Lucas coins, the Force. New Agers believe that Jesus was a divinely born master who ascended to a place of distinction to live among other Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy - Buddha , Krishna, (Yoda?) etc. - after illustrating the principles of the Force.

According to New Agers the "Force" is revealed during significant times in world history, and modern followers look for the imminent appearing of the next divinely born World Teacher who will, as Jesus did, illustrate the divine Force living within and around us. In this way, New Age theology prepares the world for the coming of the False Prophet and thus the Antichrist.

Similar to the recent Matrix movies, Star Wars contains elements of biblical truth mixed with much fiction. Such films are extremely popular, as they produce a fictional world that appears to address the mysteries of life—appealing to everyone’s desire to understand the unknown.

The Star Wars saga portrays a war of good versus evil, and contains many themes similar to those found in the Bible. Some have a hint of truth to them. Others have come from manmade “traditional” Christian beliefs—counterfeits to biblical truths.

 The Force for Star Wars fans, similes or echos the same old tale spun by thousands of meta physic practitioners that the universe is God. This theme is recanted hundreds of times in thousands of books throughout history and spun into new and different forms. 

Subsequently all of the next film`s points are about all  about faith - but repackaged through metaphysics into a new way of reprogramming ones beliefs and seen in a new age documentaries which replaces God with the Universe - of the more popular being "The Secret" by Rohnda Bryne". This rehashing -  which attributes faith as different aspects of imagination and free will that can be accessed from "the universe" is the central premise of the film giving no credit to God as the source nor Jesus Christ our savior; in essence it is the points in the film that are encouraging but ultimately it is nothing more than witchcraft, something for which women were accursed back in ancient times, learned did they from fallen angels who now reside in chains of darkness from the book of Enoch and spoken of by Paul (2 Peter 2:4).

Witchcraft is an abomination unto the Lord, and thus the secret film is nothing more than witchcraft re-packaged into a new formula to pass onto the uninitiated and that for profit!  Initially these bizarre beliefs come through wicked men and women who admonish self as being ultimately God, but they are utterly wrong. 

This goes back to Alister Crowley`s "book of the law" as its first tenet: do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law and is known by satanists as: when you worship *self you are in fact serving Satan, as is sung about subliminally throughout the world by current musicians.

The Death of the Cross means we are to "Die in Him", die to self -

Matthew 16:24-26

King James Version (KJV)

*24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

...He died for our sins, yes...but that too means to put the "old man" or old sinful nature to death, to the past at the cross and no longer live unto our selves - and be raised to newness of life. Romans 4-6. Or seek or own righteousness.

No cross,no crown to put it another way.

So it is nothing more than fanciful witchcraft gift-wrapped into metaphysical terms and sold-off as something new when in reality through the mind of men, Satan again is at work trying to deceive the masses with his lies and half-truths.

John 8:44:

King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Scriptures show there is only one God


The Bible has many plain, simple, straightforward, unambiguous verses, and these are the verses we should study first when we want to understand what the Bible teaches. Understanding the plain, straightforward verses then becomes our basis for understanding the more difficult verses. The plain verses become the foundation for the rest of our biblical understanding. We build on those.

By building such a foundation, we have something to go back to when we have difficulty understanding other verses. We can take the "difficult" verses and explain them within the context of the plain, straightforward ones. This assures us that our explanations and understanding conform with the foundational verses.

Rather than throw out or ignore those simple, straightforward verses, we should throw out the explanations that contradict them. This is sound reasoning, and in theological terms, fulfills the requirements of sound exegesis. With that in mind, we will list a few straightforward verses about God. Specifically, we will study verses that discuss how many God is. 

Particularly This verse:

 "See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me"

  • Exodus 20:2-3: "I am the Lord your God.... You shall have no other gods before me."
  • Exodus 34:14: "Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."
  • Deuteronomy 4:35: "You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God; besides him there is no other."
  • Deuteronomy 4:39: "Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other."
  • Deuteronomy 6:4-5: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."
  • Deuteronomy 32:39: "See now that I myself am He! There is no god besides me."
  • 1 Samuel 2:1-2: "My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high.... There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God."
  • 2 Samuel 7:22: "How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears."
  • 2 Samuel 22:32: "For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God?"
So u see - There is only one God and he is the Lord God of Isreal. 
Jesus is not a book, Jesus is a person,Jesus is God, God is a Spirit - not a Book. 


Thursday, 9 January 2014

The Failing Financial Systemics of Money – Mark Cater

(c) 2014 Mark Cater
1. Money/Financial Systems;

Money is nothing more and nothing less than what it really is – a piece of paper or precious metals based on standards of value. These systems are based upon values, values wherewith originate from energy-based observations and counting systems, perhaps beginning early in history when man was primitive but not without intelligence. Numerable wars, deaths, crime and poverty can be blamed on the systems of Money with respect to the wicked unrepentant hearts of men and women historically, while the value its imaginary dependence has made a beneficial impact up humanity as a whole, it has also had the largest influence on humanity more so than any other so-called financial system (as in systems theory) in the entire world.

And yet it is to blame on how we treat our fellow human beings, literally throwing individuals to the street merely because the person doesn't have a piece of paper…which is really what money is…it is so unconscionable yet we do it here for greed, power; as an analogy: we adopt pets into our homes as opposed to poverty stricken brethren and sisteren (devoid of anti-social tendencies of course). Corporations of course are responsible for impoverishment and its mob-like backer, the US bureaucratic loveless government. To whom they are forced to report gains and losses.

Their sick, twisted ideas of “love” is feeding people porn, managing a small, overpriced sleeping room for one with a never ending loop of poverty aided only by subsidized income below the poverty level  and pre-re-quiring them to become employed under an unfair system that is void of compassion on choice in such matters “it is a: we`ve-done-away-with-slavery-transferred-to-employment-bullshit” or suffer without OUR products merely to edify themselves and "their” lifestyle., (based on fantasy and story-telling to acquire customers); enabling their on-going higher living benefits while renters are trapped and essentially chained to a need for them; enslaving them to “their” products whose price has over-exceeded the actual value and allows for peddlers of services, who give you their shitty third-rate products that break down after two weeks and which retain no quality and do not enhance standards of living (or the quality of living) as they would be known in various places in France and European areas. (i.e. Generally, the American Healthcare system, which is another insurance scam cooked up by the Government just like car insurance, home insurance and life insurance instead of emulating Universal Healthcare as it should be. Most people know about Micheal More but they do not know about the lesser known documentary movie Sicko by Michael Moore). It is easy to see through the veil of lies the Government feeds to the citizens, and psychological mind tricks do not work anymore as they would in adverts, people are sentient not pigs devoid of humanity (as if we were sub-human programs) fed in a stable. have you ever got that feeling from them while dealing with them as if their is some sobering weird aspect emanating from them concerning you?

We see this product corruption and demoralization in everything from the bullshit ads seen on the internet and television, to the idiots who go about berating others on the issues of patriotism and defending rights, perpetuated by immoral bureaucrats, who make and regulate non-sense laws in defiance of morality, God-given rules in an increasing perverse American society just to make a buck above those individuals who are labeled by idiots who claim the well-off academic terminology as a physiologically inverse treatise.

And thereby deception, like Poker, is the way to manipulate minds to get you the target; to buy their meaningless peripheral garbage (i.e. intangible products like a video game that gives you eye-candy but no useable actualization in reality except for the satisfaction of beating a puzzle – “a facsimile or a simulation”) and buy-in to their shitty products (got a need-fill it)-hair-replacement products instead of just shaving to head)).

Thus overrun by the fantasy-world of products, ideas, stories, actors and inventions, the society as a whole becomes dumbed-down, and like a crowd hypnotized by the performance of a magician under a tent, they do not see or will not see that it is meant to take your life -terrorists enter in back of them to kill them and steal what valuables they possess including but not limited to your spouse as fair-game.

While a good percentage of products are well-meaning, good, necessary, and constructive, the rest are worthless. Still they utterly do not “get-it”, because the sociological structure is infatuated with these falsified lies and America as a whole seems inundated and obsessed with the undying need for products. So much so that they cannot come to grips that their system is ridiculously the basis of repetitious input against potentiality -- they go to work to buy products over and over and over again - hence a never-ending loop that makes completely no sense whatsoever. They do it even in the face of irrefutable arguments that show that it is a system that is logically failing.

Substitution is not the solution to answering the world-wide problems associated to financial systems and money as everyone in one way or another is plugged into it with reference to Morpheus’s conversation with Neo along city streets within the construct of the Matrix. The system of Money cannot last, although it has lasted because it brings with it values, values with which subvert and pervert the concepts of harmony into temporalities (by temporalities it is meant that things do not last -"subtraction") instituted to evil.

For example let us assume that food, clothing and housing are all free, but maintained in such a way so as to relinquish the ideology of inappropriateness –that is to mean that in the instance of housing, such housing is not used for corrupt purposes and inept upkeep, i.e. trashing the place, using it for parties, a base for drug sales, violence, guns, secret societies with evil intentions of world domination, etcetera, etcetera.

New Age answers (and the new-ager concepts) also will not resolve the issue as it is embedded, into society so that with one voice taking it away in one instant and replacing it with say credits would bring to ruin services and in turn a domino effect. So now there is the paradox of choice vs. causality, naturally the problem is systemic (of or relating to a system, esp. as opposed to a particular part) and thus elimination of the system would result in a system crash.

The actual problem with money, then, is choice and ending temporalities associated with money and its value-(s). Since the values are originally based on energy observations, they are therefore based on manual energy, and this solvent would thus require self-correction; similar in the way in which bio-logical systems self-correct cuts and scrapes. Self-correcting systems are also temporal, eventually ending in cessation (death). So adding to self-correction into the system in addition to a self-sustaining system that perpetuates the system to not end in cessation via temporalities is the correct concept and thereby aides in automation (but not necessarily related to mechanistic automation – i.e. potentiality in opposition to the manual input of energy is an automatic process or response) which dissolves temporalities in the same way that potentiality inhibits energy by repetitious input unto superluminal travel.

Repetitious input is manual input that is required in energy transfer to a mass from an external input source due to potentiality`s attraction on the mass back to attract or draw it to or back to equilibrium.

The repetitious input of energy into the system must repeat in order to propagate the mass or potentiality will subject the mass to deceleration and equilibrium. Not that potentiality is the misnomer of energy or originates from energy but that it pre-requires repetitious input through manual inducement when energy transfer from an external source establishes propagation of the mass in one direction THROUGH a distance represented by an imaginary reference of a line-segment that possesses two directions in one, which leads back to the self-referential value-based observations of manual energy.

And is automatically resultant through potentiality`s establishment, resulting in a degree of freedom opposite to the direction of propagation direction and thereby creates the delimitation of simultaneity and therefore is self-referential.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Men in Black - Unmasked by Mark Cater

WHEN WE HEAR “Men in Black,” most of us probably think of the 1997 motion-picture hit starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. But what many people do not realize is that the origin of the movie surrounds real-life encounters with “Men in Black.” There have been many paranormal, anomalous and supernatural reports throughout the years, and with these reports come encounters with intimidating men in black suits who are thought to belong to a secret organization with a secret agenda.

The Men in Black (MiB) were first reported in the 1940s, and books about them soon followed. Initially, the first reports of Men in Black involved witnesses of UFOs or extraterrestrial encounters. One of the first reports of MiB was in 1947 when Harold Dahl reported that he saw six UFOs when he and others were on a boat. After the encounter, Dahl said an intimidating muscular man wearing a nondescript black suit took him out to breakfast and threatened him and his family if he spoke of the encounter.

Dahl later declared his UFO report was a hoax, but some believe that he recanted to protect himself from MiB. Further research into other types of paranormal and anomalous phenomena, such as poltergeists, space-time disturbances, telepathy and psychokinesis, and Bigfoot, just to name a few, also reveals encounters by agents in black who collected information and silenced those specific witnesses who claimed to have experienced these phenomena.

Government agents or something weirder

MiB started gaining popularity in the 1950s with books such as Gray Barker’s They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers, and are still in the mainstream today with the Men in Black movies, which are based on a comic book inspired by the phenomenon.

Over the decades, MiB have taken somewhat different forms, but their similarities are undeniable. Stiff black suits, intimidating size and black Cadillacs are often associated with MiB. Some reports of MiB described them as being eerily inhuman, taking on characteristics of an unearthly nature. Some theorists propose that many of these reports of MiB were allowed to be disseminated in order to create an air of “unbelievability” among those who reported them. One thing is for certain: their apparent objective is to track down true paranormal encounters and control the situation and information to suit their agenda.

UFO connection

Throughout history, MiB have been primarily associated with UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena because of the simple fact that these phenomena are primarily aerial events in the atmosphere and widely viewed by many witnesses. Therefore, when reports of MiB follow reports of UFOs or extraterrestrials, they are given more credence and attract a wider audience. But make no mistake, MiB have been monitoring, analyzing and researching every type of anomalous and paranormal phenomena imaginable.

Since the first reports of MiB, many have tried to discover the true identity and agenda of these dark agents, with little success. And for those who do know their true identity, either by association or as a “subject” of one of their operations, it has been strongly suggested that the means utilized to maintain total suppression of all information is disturbingly successful.

Mysterious organization

More recently, however, startling new information has surfaced that finally may reveal a significant fragment of the agency’s true identity. The shadowy MiB may in-fact be one in the same as a non-descript organization known as The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research (O.S.I.R.).

Created in the early 1940s as a byproduct of a top-secret government program, the O.S.I.R. is an ultra top-secret organization whose far-reaching operations can be found in every corner of the world. The Dahl encounter was also in 1947, and this was one of the first reports of MiB.

The O.S.I.R., among other things, conducts scientific research and investigations surrounding anomalous phenomena (also known as paranormal, parapsychological, supernatural and metaphysical phenomena). The organization is said to have significant power, utilizing their far-reaching authority to suppress and maintain their operations and very existence. They operate independently from all governments and private organizations, and while their true agenda is unknown, it is conjectured that the study of anomalous phenomena and its potential applications might be their focus.

With significant funding and resources, rumored advanced technology and influence with various governments, the O.S.I.R. infiltrates many aspects of society and government, scanning for phenomena and conducting their scientific operations. Aspects of science, law, medicine, religion, business/corporate world and government are permeated with their operatives.

And for anyone who might be involved in any of their clandestine operations, be it an experiencer of a phenomena or an individual recruited to partially assist their operations, the O.S.I.R. utilizes disturbingly unorthodox all-encompassing means of intimidation, coupled with techniques to suppress or cover up any and all information. It is these modus operandi of the O.S.I.R. that reveal without any doubt that they are indeed the notorious MiB.

Now you see them...

In order to conduct their clandestine operations, the organization takes on various aliases and “cover identities,” choosing to hide in plain sight.

The O.S.I.R. came into the public eye in 1990 when the organization opened a public affairs department. For a decade, by means of this department, the O.S.I.R. interacted with the general public and media, openly stating that their primary focus is “anomalous phenomena”. In 2000, the O.S.I.R. closed its public affairs department and terminated all contacts with the outside world.

Some conspiracy theorists state that the O.S.I.R. was conducting some sort of research or experimentation surrounding the “millennium,” which might explain why they disappeared just after 2000. But no confirmed explanations were ever given for why the organization re-immersed into obscurity or why they went overt to begin with.

The MiB, alias O.S.I.R., are suspected to be the shadow organization and work-horse behind countless above top-secret projects in every country, including U.S.’s own Majestic, Stargate and Area 51. To this day, they continue to infiltrate our world, seeking-out, analyzing and concealing at-all-costs extraordinary phenomena of every type for their ultra top-secret agenda. 

The "Born Gay" Claim by Mark Cater

‘Gay Dolls’ now placate the toy industry (sick)
Homosexuals “claim” that they are “Born Homosexual” (that is by definition genetic by default to be attracted to members of the male race,same sex,intimately or otherwise).

This “claim”,is, of course a lie, a lie because if such an individual were “Born Homosexual” (excluding hermaphrodites) then that fact would make that individual a new race, which of course is pure conjecture.

This is why sexual discrimination laws should NOT include homosexuals, since they are not a race.
But the world and it`s wife (Satan and his co-horts) accept this lie and perpetuate falsehoods of which Romans 2 clearly indicates that such people are under God`s wrath, lest they truly repent.
By the way there is no such thing as a “Gay Christian”,  period.


Here is why:

First, in the eyes of God (the true God of Israel,Jesus Christ,the Savior) marriage only occurs between a male and a female, and in some countries many wives where the economy permits.
In the eyes of the world,wicked authorities and humanists,”Gay marriage” is extended to male-male and female-female, favorably.

But because marriage can only be be be between 1 man and 1 woman – in the eyes of God-marriage,so-called,between 2 males or 2 females is still sexual perversity as opposed to fornication,which is sex with 1 or more female partners or by female with 1 or more male partners.

The union is therefore null, it is an abomination.


There is the King and then there is the power behind the King.
Wack-a-loon to this is the area of “so-called gay rights”,wherein conviction is made to falsify claims to re-define marriage according to the world.

In other words, a dictatorship that adheres to doctrines of demons.

Exposing The Secret of Ghosts by Mark Cater

Actual Demon (Went to Hell Claimant) Bill Weise Saw in Hell
We have all seen those shows on Syfy channel (previously scfi), with so-called ghosts hunters, and or paranormal investigators,you kknow..TAPS,Ghost Adventures,(travel channel) haunted dolls,paranormal witness…etc. The Sysfy channel broadcasts the most on these lines about these activities.

But what if I told you I know the secret of these  so-called “Ghosts” and what exactly they are,what if I could expose the truth about them so that it is no longer a mystery?

Well, I can.

In addition to this, mankind has been engaged in this “hunt” deceiving millions into believing that after people and animals pass away that somehow, they aimlessly wader Earth and “scare” people because they are trapped or in limbo. (and they make a profit from it)!

In reality scripture shows us that there are only 3 places people go to after they die:

1. Heaven
2. Hell.
3.Outer Darkness

4. Tarterus is a place reserved for fallen angels (bottomless pit)
and they there is the gulf mentioned by Jesus our lord and savior, in Luke 16.
Scripture also reveals that the devil was once a beautiful archangel once known as Lucifer; Revelation 12:7-9 says Lucifer and his angels fought against God and were cast out of heaven.angels with him.

All of them, with the exception of those that go beyond God`s boundaries and are sent immediately to Hell, roam the earth, to do havoc, as one can see throughout the world as evidence of his spiritual handiwork.

Some of these demons pose as souls of the dead (people, and animals and possess inanimate objects to some degree). Thus Ghosts and the hunters that hunt them for answers are deceived, because the dead are not roaming Earth, demons are!

People who “believe in Ghosts” and/or hunt them continue to refuse this, even though the evidence from scripture stares them blatantly in the face.

Therefore so-called “Ghosts”, a term which has been used for centuries, are in reality Demons posing as spirits of the dead, who are actually in one of three places, Heaven,Hell or outer darkness.