Monday, 6 January 2014

The "Born Gay" Claim by Mark Cater

‘Gay Dolls’ now placate the toy industry (sick)
Homosexuals “claim” that they are “Born Homosexual” (that is by definition genetic by default to be attracted to members of the male race,same sex,intimately or otherwise).

This “claim”,is, of course a lie, a lie because if such an individual were “Born Homosexual” (excluding hermaphrodites) then that fact would make that individual a new race, which of course is pure conjecture.

This is why sexual discrimination laws should NOT include homosexuals, since they are not a race.
But the world and it`s wife (Satan and his co-horts) accept this lie and perpetuate falsehoods of which Romans 2 clearly indicates that such people are under God`s wrath, lest they truly repent.
By the way there is no such thing as a “Gay Christian”,  period.


Here is why:

First, in the eyes of God (the true God of Israel,Jesus Christ,the Savior) marriage only occurs between a male and a female, and in some countries many wives where the economy permits.
In the eyes of the world,wicked authorities and humanists,”Gay marriage” is extended to male-male and female-female, favorably.

But because marriage can only be be be between 1 man and 1 woman – in the eyes of God-marriage,so-called,between 2 males or 2 females is still sexual perversity as opposed to fornication,which is sex with 1 or more female partners or by female with 1 or more male partners.

The union is therefore null, it is an abomination.


There is the King and then there is the power behind the King.
Wack-a-loon to this is the area of “so-called gay rights”,wherein conviction is made to falsify claims to re-define marriage according to the world.

In other words, a dictatorship that adheres to doctrines of demons.

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