Thursday, 9 January 2014

The Failing Financial Systemics of Money – Mark Cater

(c) 2014 Mark Cater
1. Money/Financial Systems;

Money is nothing more and nothing less than what it really is – a piece of paper or precious metals based on standards of value. These systems are based upon values, values wherewith originate from energy-based observations and counting systems, perhaps beginning early in history when man was primitive but not without intelligence. Numerable wars, deaths, crime and poverty can be blamed on the systems of Money with respect to the wicked unrepentant hearts of men and women historically, while the value its imaginary dependence has made a beneficial impact up humanity as a whole, it has also had the largest influence on humanity more so than any other so-called financial system (as in systems theory) in the entire world.

And yet it is to blame on how we treat our fellow human beings, literally throwing individuals to the street merely because the person doesn't have a piece of paper…which is really what money is…it is so unconscionable yet we do it here for greed, power; as an analogy: we adopt pets into our homes as opposed to poverty stricken brethren and sisteren (devoid of anti-social tendencies of course). Corporations of course are responsible for impoverishment and its mob-like backer, the US bureaucratic loveless government. To whom they are forced to report gains and losses.

Their sick, twisted ideas of “love” is feeding people porn, managing a small, overpriced sleeping room for one with a never ending loop of poverty aided only by subsidized income below the poverty level  and pre-re-quiring them to become employed under an unfair system that is void of compassion on choice in such matters “it is a: we`ve-done-away-with-slavery-transferred-to-employment-bullshit” or suffer without OUR products merely to edify themselves and "their” lifestyle., (based on fantasy and story-telling to acquire customers); enabling their on-going higher living benefits while renters are trapped and essentially chained to a need for them; enslaving them to “their” products whose price has over-exceeded the actual value and allows for peddlers of services, who give you their shitty third-rate products that break down after two weeks and which retain no quality and do not enhance standards of living (or the quality of living) as they would be known in various places in France and European areas. (i.e. Generally, the American Healthcare system, which is another insurance scam cooked up by the Government just like car insurance, home insurance and life insurance instead of emulating Universal Healthcare as it should be. Most people know about Micheal More but they do not know about the lesser known documentary movie Sicko by Michael Moore). It is easy to see through the veil of lies the Government feeds to the citizens, and psychological mind tricks do not work anymore as they would in adverts, people are sentient not pigs devoid of humanity (as if we were sub-human programs) fed in a stable. have you ever got that feeling from them while dealing with them as if their is some sobering weird aspect emanating from them concerning you?

We see this product corruption and demoralization in everything from the bullshit ads seen on the internet and television, to the idiots who go about berating others on the issues of patriotism and defending rights, perpetuated by immoral bureaucrats, who make and regulate non-sense laws in defiance of morality, God-given rules in an increasing perverse American society just to make a buck above those individuals who are labeled by idiots who claim the well-off academic terminology as a physiologically inverse treatise.

And thereby deception, like Poker, is the way to manipulate minds to get you the target; to buy their meaningless peripheral garbage (i.e. intangible products like a video game that gives you eye-candy but no useable actualization in reality except for the satisfaction of beating a puzzle – “a facsimile or a simulation”) and buy-in to their shitty products (got a need-fill it)-hair-replacement products instead of just shaving to head)).

Thus overrun by the fantasy-world of products, ideas, stories, actors and inventions, the society as a whole becomes dumbed-down, and like a crowd hypnotized by the performance of a magician under a tent, they do not see or will not see that it is meant to take your life -terrorists enter in back of them to kill them and steal what valuables they possess including but not limited to your spouse as fair-game.

While a good percentage of products are well-meaning, good, necessary, and constructive, the rest are worthless. Still they utterly do not “get-it”, because the sociological structure is infatuated with these falsified lies and America as a whole seems inundated and obsessed with the undying need for products. So much so that they cannot come to grips that their system is ridiculously the basis of repetitious input against potentiality -- they go to work to buy products over and over and over again - hence a never-ending loop that makes completely no sense whatsoever. They do it even in the face of irrefutable arguments that show that it is a system that is logically failing.

Substitution is not the solution to answering the world-wide problems associated to financial systems and money as everyone in one way or another is plugged into it with reference to Morpheus’s conversation with Neo along city streets within the construct of the Matrix. The system of Money cannot last, although it has lasted because it brings with it values, values with which subvert and pervert the concepts of harmony into temporalities (by temporalities it is meant that things do not last -"subtraction") instituted to evil.

For example let us assume that food, clothing and housing are all free, but maintained in such a way so as to relinquish the ideology of inappropriateness –that is to mean that in the instance of housing, such housing is not used for corrupt purposes and inept upkeep, i.e. trashing the place, using it for parties, a base for drug sales, violence, guns, secret societies with evil intentions of world domination, etcetera, etcetera.

New Age answers (and the new-ager concepts) also will not resolve the issue as it is embedded, into society so that with one voice taking it away in one instant and replacing it with say credits would bring to ruin services and in turn a domino effect. So now there is the paradox of choice vs. causality, naturally the problem is systemic (of or relating to a system, esp. as opposed to a particular part) and thus elimination of the system would result in a system crash.

The actual problem with money, then, is choice and ending temporalities associated with money and its value-(s). Since the values are originally based on energy observations, they are therefore based on manual energy, and this solvent would thus require self-correction; similar in the way in which bio-logical systems self-correct cuts and scrapes. Self-correcting systems are also temporal, eventually ending in cessation (death). So adding to self-correction into the system in addition to a self-sustaining system that perpetuates the system to not end in cessation via temporalities is the correct concept and thereby aides in automation (but not necessarily related to mechanistic automation – i.e. potentiality in opposition to the manual input of energy is an automatic process or response) which dissolves temporalities in the same way that potentiality inhibits energy by repetitious input unto superluminal travel.

Repetitious input is manual input that is required in energy transfer to a mass from an external input source due to potentiality`s attraction on the mass back to attract or draw it to or back to equilibrium.

The repetitious input of energy into the system must repeat in order to propagate the mass or potentiality will subject the mass to deceleration and equilibrium. Not that potentiality is the misnomer of energy or originates from energy but that it pre-requires repetitious input through manual inducement when energy transfer from an external source establishes propagation of the mass in one direction THROUGH a distance represented by an imaginary reference of a line-segment that possesses two directions in one, which leads back to the self-referential value-based observations of manual energy.

And is automatically resultant through potentiality`s establishment, resulting in a degree of freedom opposite to the direction of propagation direction and thereby creates the delimitation of simultaneity and therefore is self-referential.

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